Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Amazing Skulls

1. Cover of Cher's album Heart of Stone. This cover was quickly replaced by a normal picture of Cher, because so many people thought it was so ugly

2. Both a ballerina and a skull. - by Salvador Dali

3. Human Skull Consisting of Seven Naked Women's Bodies.
Photograph by Philippe Halsman after a drawing by Dalí. Why do you never see this in those Dalí books ?

4. L' Amour de Pierrot. A French postcard from the beginning of the previous century. Pierrot and Columbine, or a skull ?

5. La famille impériale de Russie . French postcard from the beginning of the previous century.

6. Judge magazine. Cover of Judge Magazine, may 19 1894. The text on the cover is : DEATH TO OUR INDUSTRIES ! That is what the Cleveland - Wilson conspiracy means. The reason for the protest is the Wilson tariff bill on the table.

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