Saturday, April 22, 2006

George Bush Goofs

George W. Bush is well known for his stupid quotes. Here is a mix for you:

- I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully.

- Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job.

- You work three jobs? … Uniquely American, isn't it? I mean, that is fantastic that you're doing that." —President George W. Bush, to a divorced mother of three,

- First, let me make it very clear, poor people aren't necessarily killers. Just because you happen to be not rich doesn't mean you're willing to kill.

- Mr. Vice President, in all due respect, it is — I'm not sure 80 percent of the people get the death tax. I know this: 100 percent will get it if I'm the president.
You can download the AUDIO MIX HERE

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